My Dearest Patricia,

Today you turn 4. Every time you or your sister celebrate a birthday, I’m always reminded of how time flies by. There are days I look at you and wonder where my bald, chubby-cheeked baby go? These days, I see a fresh-faced, active, loud little girl before me, always excited to go on another “abenture” (your word for adventure).

From last year, there are so many changes I’ve noticed about you. All good, and always reminding me that there is so much out there for you to learn. It looks like you’ve outgrown Peppa Pig. These days, you are in a Disney phase, you particularly love “Frozen” , “Tangled” and “Moana”. You sang the “Let It Go” song almost every day for the past couple of weeks. You don’t complain when you take a video of you–in fact, you love watching yourself! You are also learning the lyrics of other Disney songs. We like Moana songs, right?

You’re also getting very good at drawing pictures, writing your name and writing letters. I am so amazed that you can now recognize and write letters. You love making pictures in daycare and giving them to me as your presents.

Another thing you like–makeup! You love going through my stuff, and applying them on your face. In fact, you’ve gotten better at putting eye shadow and lipstick!The teachers say that you’re also getting better at playing with others. You talk about your friends in school and what you guys do during the day. I am always entertained by your stories.You are so curious about everything, and you love asking questions. “Why do caterpillars go to the cocoon, Mummy”? “Why do they become butterfiles”? “Why does Ate like pizza?”, “Why do you go to the office?”, “Why does Ate go to big school?” So many questions! Sometimes, I don’t know the answer and I have to just say “I don’t know”.You are becoming more independent and want to do things on your own. At the playground, you would push me away and say “I can do it by myself, Mummy”, or “I know what I’m doing” when I try to help you. Sometimes, when you’re practicing writing your letters, you would say “Don’t help me, Mummy”. Although I feel pride that you want to do these things by yourself, my heart also hurts a little. I know you’ll say those words to me more often as you grow older.

I guess that’s one thing that parents need to prepare for–when their kids want to venture on their own. It’s all part of growing up, we know this. But I hope you don’t push me away too soon, my love. There are a couple more years we’ll still be together. I still have some more things to teach you to get you ready for the world.

But on to happier things! Last year, we had a very small celebration at home because of the pandemic. But this year, we promised you a big party, and you got to choose! Are you looking forward to it? I hope so!

Happy Birthday, my Patty-pat. You are 4 years old, my beautiful girl. Don’t grow up too fast!

Love always,

Filipina mum making a home in New Zealand. On my blog, I write about living in the "land of the long, white cloud", food, travel and family.

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