Hello! This blog has been pretty lonely for the past couple of months. I’ve had thoughts about just giving it up altogether. I have Facebook and Instagram to update friends and family anyway, and made online acquaintances on there. Writing in long form seems redundant and also tedious, right?

Picture of the author wearing a hat with pink snail sculpture in the background
I’m still here!

But I read through my very early entries (way back 2005!) and read a few more, and it was just so nice to see how very different I was back then. So I made up my mind to press on and keep this space alive for memories with my family, things that occupy my time and my mind.

In all the “noise” and busy-ness and mindless scrolling on social media, writing helps me relax and clear my head. This blog has always been a place to put down my thoughts and gives me the opportunity to recall good memories and reflect on the not-so-good ones.

There is that matter of practicality though-should I try to make some sort of income here? I’ve been presented some opportunities over the years, but never gave it much thought. Maybe I should. Let’s see.

I look forward to have some friends on here too, to talk about their experiences, things that matter to them, and hopefully we all learn from each other.

So here’s to 2023–forging on and continuing with my home on the internet. I hope you visit often, stay for a bit and let me know that you did.

Filipina mum making a home in New Zealand. On my blog, I write about living in the "land of the long, white cloud", food, travel and family.

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