This week I wanted to bake something, but since I’ve been told I need to stay off sugar and carbs, I had to look for diabetic-friendly recipes. I’m NOT diabetic, mind you, but I figure I should eat like one, to give me a little push towards more healthful eating.

Thanks to Pinterest, I managed to find this recipe, and tried it out with a few modifications. For example, instead of using almond flour (which I couldn’t find), I used wholemeal flour. And instead of pumpkin pie spice, I used grated cinnamon.

Carrot Bread-Ingredients

Mixed the dry and wet ingredients separately, and then put them together, and place in a bread pan and put in the oven.

Carrot bread-mix

Here’s the before and after

Carrot Bread-Baking

Carrot Bread-sliced

Perfect for afternoon tea

I made buttercream frosting that’s supposed to be spread on top, but I was just too concerned about the sugar and the calories from the cream cheese, butter and sweetener, that I didn’t eat a lot of it with the bread.

The bread tasted good, but it wasn’t as moist as I wanted it to be, so I guess I have to try again. Since I prefer cooking on the stove as opposed to using the oven, I think I need a bit more practice with baking. Who knows, maybe I’ll make my own cupcakes one of these days.

What about you, what have you been whipping up in your kitchen?

Filipina mum making a home in New Zealand. On my blog, I write about living in the "land of the long, white cloud", food, travel and family.

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