Hello! Welcome to my new blog. Actually, this has been online for quite a while now, but I just haven’t got around to formally launching it. Life got in the way–leaving Singapore and moving to New Zealand, having two kids, regular motherhood stuff. I’ve set dates before of when I want people to know about this, but I was always feeling not ready to do it. But well, based on my word for the year, I decided to just jump in and do it now! But first a story…


My blogging history

I started blogging in 2004, back when most blogs where online journals, people writing about the mundane things in their lives. I was single, going through a quarter-life crisis (as most people my age were), and generally had a lot of opinions about things, so a blog was the perfect vehicle to voice out my thoughts.

Blogging had been a constant for me at different stages of my life. Even when various social media picked up steam, I put up posts in my blog, because I felt that some of my stories needed a lot more than 140 characters or a brief caption in Instagram or Facebook. I didn’t have a specific topic, but this became my space to write about my life in Singapore, my travels, ever-changing hobbies, books I read, movies I watch—you get it, just about everything. Mostly, it was my way of letting family and friends know what I was up to.

I’ve witnessed the shift in the blogging landscape–where blogs became more than diaries, but rather websites that provided useful information for anyone needing to know something. I also saw the rise of paid bloggers (aka. Influencers). Through the years, I have been approached to collaborate, or to run sponsored posts on my blog. But I never did get around to doing those–mostly because I got lazy, and I didn’t really see how my opinion could sway anyone to buy something. All I really wanted was to write.

The big move, a new name and purpose

Shortly after Katie was born, I started the process of moving the blog into this new space. I read old posts, chose which ones were coming along to this new site and worked on the technical bits of the move. It was a long arduous process, one which I’m still doing until now.

Notes From Our Corner, in part, is a journal of our family life as we make a home here in New Zealand. But it’s also where I can share about the things I’m learning as a parent, useful tips for the home and things I’m interested in at the moment. That’s what I learned from reading so many parenting blogs–that while it’s nice to talk about your life, it’s also good to provide information that can help someone.

Soon, I’ll expand a little bit, and open it up to other writers too. In the future, I see posts from other mothers to share their own experiences living abroad, in their own corner of the world, maybe some parenting advice, self-care tips and inspiration.


And so, welcome to you, friend! Three years and two kids later, here is my new and updated site.

There are old posts (mostly travel and food-related), I have kept here for sentimental reasons. There’s quite a few updates from our family– Katie and Patty’s milestones are a particularly good read.

I have also written about exploring our new home, New Zealand, to give you an idea of what it’s like to live here. There’s definitely many more to come on that front.

Please stay for a while. I invite you to read a few posts, and let me know what you think of this space. Most of all, I hope you visit again, and let me know if you want me to write about a certain topic. I’m excited to share my stories with you, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts and feedback!

Filipina mum making a home in New Zealand. On my blog, I write about living in the "land of the long, white cloud", food, travel and family.

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