Ever since I re-launched this blog, I feel as if some sort of re-introduction is needed. It’s mostly family and friends reading this, so I want to do just a quick update on what I’m up to these days. You know how it is when you haven’t seen a cousin or a friend for a long time (sometimes, years!) and it feels like you want to get to know that person again? So this post is what that is. Here’s what’s been taking up most of my time these days, and other things I’m loving right now.

Korean Dramas

Around February, I tried watching non-English series on Netflix. I started with the 2018 re-make of Meteor Garden, and then the Korean version, and from then on, I was hooked! For the first few weeks, I was finishing a Korean series in two to three nights, hardly got any sleep! I was obsessed, and all I wanted to talk about was Korean dramas, especially the actors (don’t worry, JP is not jealous, he just thinks I’m crazy).

Anyway, thankfully, I’ve managed to slow down and am now watching fewer episodes in a week. I think I ran out of shows that interest me, so I’m pacing myself a bit. To make this obsession be a bit more fruitful (at least for me. Haha!), I’m making short reviews in my Instagram stories .You can see it in the highlights in my account. You are more than welcome to suggest more series for me to watch.


I’ve also started running again. I usually run a few days in the gym after work, and outdoors for longer runs on the weekends. This past weekend, I completed a 5K Fun Run, my first after 5 (or 6?) years. My next goal is to finish the 21K in this year’s Wellington Marathon at the end of June. I am currently following a training plan, and happy to say I’ve been consistent. JP has been very supportive by watching the girls at home when I go to the gym or outside for my runs.

At the finish line

There is another running event in Queenstown in November, and I am thinking of doing a full marathon. I feel intimidated at the thought of running 42 kilometers. I think I have a few more weeks to decide if I want to go for it, just based on the plans I’ve seen, I’m going to need at least 20 weeks of training and preparation. Should I go for it?

My big concern right now is running in cold weather, especially that winter is coming in a few weeks. Thus far, the temperature has been bearable when I go on my outdoor run, but I’m not sure how to deal with it when the temps drop lower. But anyway, wish me luck on the 21k in June.

Currently Loving/Thinking of…


These fruits are in season now. They taste like guavas. Most of these are sweet, but you’ll get a few sour ones in a bunch. Just slice and scoop the insides, a perfect snack or dessert. Some people also eat it with the skin on, but I find it too bitter. There are some recipes for baked goods that include feijoa, but I haven’t tried to make them. I’ve also tried feijoa-flavored juice from the grocery, but they don’t taste as good as the fruit.

Feijoas–oh so yummy! Photo from Milkwood.net


I went ahead and subscribed to Spotify because I was getting annoyed with the ads, and not being able to skip songs on the free version. So now, I’ve got playlists of songs that I haven’t heard for a long time. I have to admit I don’t listen to any new music, I think my latest ones are from the early 2000’s. The Goblin (Korean series) soundtrack is on my constantly played list, there are some English songs in there, and I do like the melodies, even though I don’t understand any of the lyrics. Also, I’m listening to some BTS and Blackpink music, mostly out of curiosity and to keep up with the young ones.

Lately Spotify
Playlist of music from college–are these considered oldies?

What are you listening to these days?

1 Second Everyday

I learned about this app from Elsie of A Beautiful Mess. Basically, you just capture a video everyday, and at the end of the month (or any period you choose), you use the app to stitch everything into one file. I started doing this in December, and been mostly consistent with capturing the girls’ shenanigans. I’ve uploaded them into Youtube, if you’d care to take a look. Here is the latest from April


Making albums and printing photos

This is a project that I’ve been wanting to do since forever! Recently, Patty and I were putting up some photo prints in our bedroom wall, and she quite enjoyed identifying the people in the photos. I realized we don’t have a single album that the girls can flip through, so they can identify family members’ faces. I plan to start making some photobooks online and getting them printed. I have tonnes of photos to go through, I better start on this soon.

So that’s what I’ve been up to these days. Between these, work, taking care of the girls and JP, doing regular housework and trying to stay sane (haha), I can say that I’m good. Not too busy, with just enough time to do some fun things for myself.

What about you? What’s keeping you busy lately, what are you loving right now? I’m really curious to know. So I hope you message me or leave a comment on here!

Filipina mum making a home in New Zealand. On my blog, I write about living in the "land of the long, white cloud", food, travel and family.

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