To Apo, who I first thought was a snob (yes, you thought the same about me, I know!), but who turned out to be one great friend. You infected me with the travel-bug, you can be frank and brutal with the unvarnished truth (which I do sometimes need, because I tend to live inside a bubble), and you didn’t get mad when I trashed your room during that one wild night.

Ays and Apo
at Singapore Art Museum

You survived that slip through the gap in Hongkong’s MTR with finesse and grace, you slept like a baby during that 13-hour bus ride to Cameron Highlands (because you were the only one who thought to bring your trusty malong and use it as a blanket), you endured that “partners” photo session at the Taj with me, you stayed calm and made us laugh during that cyclone in Myanmar, and comforted me during that awful trip somewhere in Thailand (“maganda ang islands” was our mantra).

You can talk about complex chemical processes alongside the latest showbiz happenings without breaking a sweat. One second, you’re discussing philosophical principles and next thing we know, you’re already talking about the adventures of Wanda Ilusyanada. You don’t have any qualms about getting dragged to museums for the latest art exhibits or to M.O.S. for a night of dancing.

Technically, you’re the perfect guy. Us girls are lined up, should you change your mind, but alas, our hopes for a romantic fling with you will forever be a dream.

So for now (am I still hoping?), let me tell you that i love you (and i see you cringeing in your seat..eww, right?! haha!). But I do. You are a great friend and one of my favorite persons. I am looking forward to seeing you again very soon (please use your plane ticket to Singapore!), and of course, a lot more travels with you and the girls. As you always say, “travel only with the people you like”, and you’re definitely on top of my list.

Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY, my dear!

Filipina mum making a home in New Zealand. On my blog, I write about living in the "land of the long, white cloud", food, travel and family.

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