Have you chosen your word for the year? Today, I have! I’ve been doing this exercise for quite a few years now, and it has proven quite useful for me in terms of setting the theme for how I want my year to be.

Here’s a good tip on how to choose your word for the year.

“pick one word that word that imbues the type of year you wish to have, and a word that can serve as a guidepost for what you want in the year to come. One simple word that will help you decide between X and Y, and help you remember what’s important when you find yourself in an endless loop of Facebook/Twitter/Email checking you can’t get out of” —Nicole Gulotta

There is also a cool website/community where you can get ideas for your word of the year, and what to do after you’ve chosen your word.

Past Words of the Year

In 2014, the word was Mindful.

In 2015, my word was Nourish, because it was the year I got pregnant with Katie, and my maternal instincts were full on.

In 2016, it was Change, because we made the big move to New Zealand and I had to adjust to my way of life as a full time stay-at-home mom

In 2017, my word was Accept, because I had to get my head around having two children, still stay-at-home and accept that our life right now is how it will be for a few more years. This means that we’ll still be sleep-deprived parents, very few date-nights (if at all), and travel will be very limited for the foreseeable future. Just having that word actually comforted me and was a constant reminder to stop myself whenever I would get social media envy.

In 2018, it was Dream. Last year, I finally had time alone to myself, as Katie went full-time in day care, and Patty started going twice a week. JP and I agreed that I can start looking for a job, and I was quite excited about that. I appreciated the many days I was alone at the house because it gave me time to think, to DREAM of things for myself and my family.

My 2019 Word of the Year

For this year, my word is PURSUE. I think it’s a nice follow-up to my word from last year. After dreaming and planning, the next step, of course, is to start taking steps to make those into reality. I simply cannot leave everything on my To-Do list for the year without doing anything about it, right?

Word for the Year 2019 Pursue

Using the word of the year

I have several plans for myself this year, and I just know that my word will be give me that push to accomplish them (or at least start on them already).

For example, this blog—I’ve been dreaming and planning to re-launch this blog since Katie was born. I just haven’t gotten around to it because I got overwhelmed by the amount of work I thought I needed to do. But you know what, I actually just set a hard date for my re-launch. As long as the site looks ok, I will let everyone know about it. All the rest, I can work on when I find pockets of time. No biggie!

This year I also plan to finally, really, honestly (for emphasis!) lose the weight. I have a couple of health scares within my family and friends early this year, and that was  all I needed to resolve to do something about it. I had been thinking of what I would do, but this year, I want to just do it, as Nike says.

I still have a few more goals for this year, but I want to keep them to myself for now. But yes, the idea is to put PURSUE to work, instead of leaving everything just written down on my planner.

I really have a good feeling for 2019, and I hope you do too. Do you have a word for the year? I’d love to know, leave something in the comments!

Filipina mum making a home in New Zealand. On my blog, I write about living in the "land of the long, white cloud", food, travel and family.

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